Das Ehrenzeichen für Verdienste um das NS-Reiterkorps
Title | Das Ehrenzeichen für Verdienste um das NS-Reiterkorps |
Organization | SA-Reiterkorps, NSRK |
Diameter | 11,5 сm |
Sketch dated | 1937 |
Year of adoption | 1937 |
Signature | Pattern 4.1,4.2 |
Sources | Hermann Historica Auction 12.12.2014, Lot 6382 |
The medal “For Service in the Pre-Military Training of Young German riders" featuring a relief image of the standing horse encircled by the wreath. The bottom features the image of the national spread-winged eagle clutching the swastika in talons. This medal was established to express gratitude to compatriots who provided horses for training, as well as the medal was awarded to the SA Riding Corps leaders committed to train young riders. Paul Casberg designed not only the medal itself but also a document certifying the award.