Membership Badge of the German Academy for Aeronautical Research

TitleAbzeichen des Mitglieds der Deutsche Akademie der Luftfahrtforschung
Sketch datedUnknown
Year of adoption21.01.1938
SourcesAilsby Collection, Christopher Ailsby

Membership Badge of the German Academy for Aeronautical Research was adopted in 1938 and was represented in three classes: honorary, ordinary and associate members received the badge in gold, supporting members in silver and corresponding members in bronze. The badge featured a stylized eagle over a figured oak leaves wreath. All badges were consequently numbered and were bestowed with a miniature badge bearing the same number. The miniature could be worn at any social event which was in accordance with high values of the academy. On formal occasion for the president and members of the presidium was designed a chain with this badge as a pendant. According to Christopher Ailsby the chain of the president of the academy, Hermann Göring, features the monogram of Paul Casberg, the badge itself is void of any monogram, but most probably was designed by Casberg as well. It is reliably known that Paul Casberg designed many documents for the Academy of aeronautical research and must have been commissioned to design other things for this organization.