Paul Casberg
Paul Casberg
Paul Casberg
Paul Casberg


This project is devoted to life and work of a talented German artist and graphic artist Paul Casberg. In spite of the fact that the bloom of his activity fell in the period of 1933-1945, all images or symbols of the Third Reich are not propaganda of Nazism ideas, they are an inalienable part of artworks of the indicated epoch. All images represented on this web-site should be considered exceptionally from the point of view of scientific research of artist`s creative activity. We do not propagandize and do not discuss ideas which these works could initially ground on. If viewing of symbolic or any other elements and attributes of the Third Reich can cause you moral discomfort or negative psychological influence we ask you to quit using this web-site.


<pre> Dear users of our website. Our project is still being developed, that is why we regularly add information to some sections. To facilitate the use of website services, all updated information will be displayed in the news line. In case you noticed any incorrectness or you have some information that can help find out new biography facts of the artist, please, contact us.</pre>

10/08/2024 New advertising poster by P.Casberg, 1913 View
07/29/2024 New advertising work - MÖBEL AUGUST F. SCHULTZE View
07/15/2024 A new work by Paul Casberg, an advertising poster for the Berlin Humor Group, has been added to the Illustrations section. View
07/26/2023 Added information about the artist's work on the standard of the SA - Germany Awake. View
07/07/2023 Added lithograph German School Quadrille. View
05/10/2023 Friends, I invite you to our Instagram, English version. In addition to beautiful photos and affordable items, we also publish a lot of useful information. Subscribe to stay updated! View
01/24/2022 Paul Casberg`s new artwork featuring a german shepherd has been added to the section “Illustrations”. View
11/03/2021 Paul Casberg's newly found cover design for "Deutsche Sankt Georg Sportzeitung" has been added to the section “Illustrations”. View
11/03/2021 Paul Casberg's newly found artwork to the book "Schwarze Perlen" has been added to the section “Illustrations” View
11/03/2021 Paul Casberg's newly found artwork to the book "Geheimnisvolle Spuren" has been added to the section “Illustrations” View
11/03/2021 Paul Casberg's newly found work "Pitt, der Flieger!" has been added to the section “Illustrations” View
02/05/2021 Paul Casberg`s new artwork "Verlobte" has been added to the section “Illustrations”. View
09/04/2020 The section "Biography" has been updated on the website. New facts about the artist's family, his date of death and information on his creative activity have been added. View
07/27/2020 The Honordagger team regrets to inform that on July 21, 2020 LTC (Ret.) Thomas M. Johnson passed away due to complications of cancer related to Agent Orange exposure. We offer our deepest condolences to the colonel's family. It is difficult to overestimate Thomas' contribution to the research on the subject of the Third Reich edged weapon. Thanks to Thomas collectors learned about Paul Casberg and his role in the design and development of German uniform. Thomas provided all possible assistance to our project. We are glad that we had the opportunity to get acquainted with him personally and visit his office in Fredericksburg. You will always be remembered due to your books, while we will learn from them further. May your heart and soul find peace and comfort. View
07/15/2020 Paul Casberg`s new artwork featuring horse`s head has been added to the section “Illustrations”. View
05/26/2020 The entire set of artworks by Paul Casberg that comprise "Turnier Album" has been added to the section "Illustrations" View
05/24/2020 Dear friends, we are pleased to announce that after a long break, our site is working again and all information is available. Looking forward to see you again! View
08/12/2019 Newly found Paul Casberg`s illustrations for the book "Du mein Masuren" have been listed recently View
08/12/2019 Newly found Paul Casberg`s illustrations for the book "Das Masurenbuch" have been listed recently. View
07/30/2019 Paul Casberg`s new artworks for "Des deutschen Volkes Kriegstagebuch - Die ersten fünf Kriegsmonate" have been added to the section “Illustrations”. View
06/14/2019 Paul Casberg's unapproved sketch for the sniper award has been added to the section “Illustrations”. View
06/14/2019 Paul Casberg's unapproved sketches for the Army Marksmanship Lanyard have been added to the section “Illustrations” View
04/24/2019 Paul Casberg's new artwork "Papa Wrangel" has been added to the section “Illustrations” View
02/25/2019 New works by Paul Casberg for the book "Inseln des Eros" have been added to the section "Illustrations" View
12/13/2018 New works by Paul Casberg for the book "Der Krieg. Illustrierte Chronik des Krieges" have been added to the section "Illustrations" View
11/13/2018 Paul Casberg`s new artwork "Unsere Deutsche Wehrmacht" has been added to the section “Illustrations”. View
11/13/2018 The sabre for high-ranking officials of Prison Administration has been added to the section "Illustrations" on the website. View
07/02/2018 New covers by Casberg to Reibert series have been added to the section "Illustrations" on the website. View
05/05/2018 An unaproved sketch of a dagger for foresters by Paul Casberg for the firm Carl Eickhorn has been added to the section "Illustrations". Honordagger team is thankful to Solingen City Archive for assistance in preparing this material. View
05/05/2018 An unaproved sketch of a dagger for foresters by Paul Casberg for the firm Carl Eickhorn has been added to the section "Illustrations". Honordagger team is thankful to Solingen City Archive for assistance in preparing this material. View
05/05/2018 An unaproved sketch of a dagger for foresters by Paul Casberg for the firm Carl Eickhorn has been added to the section "Illustrations". Honordagger team is thankful to Solingen City Archive for assistance in preparing this material. View
05/05/2018 An unaproved sketch of a dagger for foresters by Paul Casberg for the firm Carl Eickhorn has been added to the section "Illustrations". Honordagger team is thankful to Solingen City Archive for assistance in preparing this material. View
05/05/2018 An unaproved sketch of a dagger for foresters by Paul Casberg has been added to the section "Illustrations". Honordagger team is thankful to Solingen City Archive for assistance in preparing this material. View
02/02/2018 A photo of the artist designing flags for the Wehrmacht in his workshop was added to the "Illustrations" section, menu "Standarte". View
01/25/2018 Casberg`s illustrations to the book “Das Reitsportbuch” by T.Schnelle have been added to the section “Illustrations”. View
01/25/2018 A new artwork presumably made by Paul Casberg for the firm Carl Eickhorn featuring a factory worker checking strength of the sword blades has been added to the section "Illustrations". View
01/10/2018 A new version of the etching "Hunter" created by Paul Casberg in gouache technique has been added to the "Illustrations" section. View
10/05/2017 Casberg`s new illustration has been added to the artwork "Turnier Ordnung" in the section "Illustrations". View
09/14/2017 Casberg`s new artwork "Die Reichswehr" has been added to the section “Illustrations” View
08/16/2017 Casberg`s new artwork – advertisement for the equestrian center Beermann has been added to the section “Illustrations”. View
07/27/2017 Casberg`s cover to the novel “A Man of Iron” by Fritz Skowronnek has been added to the section “Illustrations”. View
07/18/2017 A letter by Mr.Simon on reason for termination of business relationships with Paul Casberg was downloaded to the section “Documents”. View
06/27/2017 A letter by Mr.Simon in response to the previous interrogation of P. Casberg was downloaded to the section “Documents”. View
06/01/2017 Another interrogation protocol of SA-Truppführer Paul Casberg was downloaded to the section “Documents”. View
05/19/2017 Casberg`s artwork “Deutsches Kriegs-Ex Libris” for the German Artists Support Association was added to the section “Illustrations”. View
04/28/2017 Casberg's letter explaining the allegations made by his driver Brenner has been added to the section "Documents". View
04/10/2017 Casberg`s illustration to the music publication of the operetta "Chaste Suzanna" by Jean Gilbert has been added to the section “Illustrations”. View
04/05/2017 A protocol on verbal abuse of the representatives of the SA supreme command by Paul Casberg has been added to the section "Documents". View
04/04/2017 Casberg's letter on dismissal of his driver has been added to the section "Documents". View
04/04/2017 The following new artworks by Paul Casberg were added to the site: the sketch of an unadopted sabre pattern The document certifying the award of the medal “For Service in the Pre-Military Training of Young German Riders" and the awards for winners of the SA sports competition 1937 View
04/04/2017 Interrogation protocol of the Obersturmführer Krüger on contemptible conduct of the SA member Paul Casberg was added to the section "Documents". Illustrations to the book «Obervormann Wrede: das Buch vom Arbeitsdienst» 1936 were added. View
04/04/2017 Original documents of the investigation on contemptible conduct of the SA member Paul Casberg were added to the section "Documents". View
04/04/2017 Improved navigation of the section "Works". Navigation buttons to the next and previous work have been added. Now you can scroll through works without returning to the main menu. View
04/04/2017 Paul Casbergs full biography is added in German language for our German-speaking users. We also draw your attention that such sections as “Capsule biography” and “Signature samples” are also available in German, soon will be added the description of illustrations in German. View
04/04/2017 The artist's "Signature samples" is available in three languages. View
04/04/2017 Added description to the illustrations in English. Description in German is expected in the near future. View
04/04/2017 Updated photos not approved the Police dagger. Photo courtesy of LTC (Ret) T. Johnson. View
04/04/2017 The section “Illusatrations” is being constantly updated. The translation of the section in English and German will be added soon. View
04/04/2017 The section “Biography” is available in Russian and English languages. German translation will be added soon. View
04/04/2017 The capsule biography of the artist in German is added to the website. View
04/04/2017 The SA-Personal File and the SA-Form of the SA member Paul Krause gen. Casberg was added to the website. Honordagger team is thankful to the German Federal Archive for assistance in preparing this material. View
09/01/2016 A complete review of our friend LTC (Ret) Thomas M. Johnson the president of JRBM, who was among the first who discovered the name of the artist to public. Full version avaliable on our facebool page. View


Wilhelm Saris

W.P.B.R. Saris


Serge Masche

aka Wags


Bill Shea

The Ruptured Duck


Ted Fernyhough

aka kiwitedferny


LTC (Ret) Thomas Johnson

Johnson Reference Book & Militaria

Author, collector, President JRBM

Wilhelm Saris

W.P.B.R. Saris


"I was glad I could assist with this Casberg-project in some ways with material, which was used in my book about gorgets. Hope it is appreciated. Casberg is interesting to read about!"

Serge Masche

aka Wags


"A site dedicated to the talented artist and designer Paul Casberg, with his many contributions the world appeal of dress daggers, is just wonderful. It shows the foundation of the creative mind behind it, that brings the artifacts from thoughts on pencil, to actual physical manifestation. Congrats! This looks like a wonderful project. No easy project. Everything else looks very good and professional. Congratulations."

Bill Shea

The Ruptured Duck


"I can see you have done a considerable amount of work and research into this project. I learned a lot about Paul Casberg that I did not know."

Ted Fernyhough

aka kiwitedferny


"The site looks great!"

LTC (Ret) Thomas Johnson

Johnson Reference Book & Militaria

Author, collector, President JRBM

"I am personally immensely pleased that fellow collector Denys Vasylyev has elected to continue my own initial research into the life and times of the very elusive German artist Paul Casberg. As many German edged weapon collectors know, I have personally made well over one hundred different trips to Solingen, the “City of Swords” between 1959/1960 to the present to conduct research for one or more of my reference books(s) on the subject of German edged weaponry. I quickly found that researching the edged weapon industry was easy when compared to researching Paul Casberg. Many of my research efforts on Casberg resulted in complete dead ends. I am most hopeful that collector, Den Vasylyev will ultimately expand his initial Casberg website and ultimately develop a concise reference book on one member of the Third Reich period that we historians and collectors seem to know the least about! Hopefully, the website will eventually be able to “close the chapter” on the life and times of German artist Paul Casberg. Author Den Vasylyev is correct when he acknowledges that the superb artistry of this single individual German artist is the reason why many of us collect World War II German militaria today!"

<pre> ATTENTION! This project is not intended for the users who share Nazism or near to it views. We ask the users who promote or belong to Neo-nazism or extremist organizations to quit using our web-site. This project is intended for information exchange among collectors as well as in a help to beginning collectors. We draw your attention that propaganda of National Socialist ideas, symbols and attributes is pursued by law. The images represented on this site were published by kind permission of their owners, belong to members of this project or taken from free sources. Nevertheless, we are not able to find out all the copyright holders or their legal successors. If you know about them, please let us know. We do not intend to harm anyone`s rights.</pre>