Offiziersäbel «Derfflinger» Modell 1735
Title | Offiziersäbel «Derfflinger» Modell 1735 |
Sketch dated | Unknown |
Signature | Unknown |
Organization | Wehrmacht Heer |
Year of adoption | 1937 (?) |
Manufacturer | C.Eickhorn |
Publications | «Eickhorn Kundendienst» #1735 |
Sources | LTC (RET.) Thomas M.Johnson «Collecting the Edged Weapons of the Third Reich» |
The design of another sabre of the "Field Marshals Series" features a strong resemblance to other sabres designed by Casberg. That is why this sabre could also be one of Casberg`s works. The sabre was named after the Brandenburg Field Marshal, one of the best cavalry commanders of the XVII century - Reichsfreiherr Hans-Georg von Derflinger. He participated in military campaigns till his death, in 1690 took part in the war with Louis XIV. The pommel of this sabre features, the so-called pattern, Dove Head. The shields and the crossguard are framed with ornament. The imperial eagle features lowered wings. Materials are as follows: aluminum, gilt, wood and black celluloid. This sabre is considered to be a quite rare pattern.